July Holiday

6 Jul

I had the past week off of work from the science centre but kept myself busy nonetheless. On Tuesday I went to the consulate’s Independence Day celebration in Durban. My boss managed to get me an invite which was pretty cool. I did have to wear a suit and tie which was a bit out of my comfort zone, but I suppose one shouldn’t look homeless when meeting the ambassador.

I spent Thursday and Friday in a village a bit south of Velabusha where I helped out a local ngo. I tutored grade 12 learners in Euclidean geometry. It was a lot of fun because the kids were really smart and worked hard. I spent the evenings staying with the director of the local hospital who started the ngo. There were a few volunteers from the hospital staying as well and I learned to play squash. I prefer racquetball, but it was fun to play something similar.

I spent the weekend camping at Sodwana Bay where I took advantage of my diving certification and went diving three times. It was incredible. I saw lots of huge loggerhead turtles, a shark, and a four meter long manta ray. While I’m still getting used to breathing underwater, I’m getting more comfortable with it and its really a blast.

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